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Revista Velovision número 41. Juny 2011

A Plegabike ens agrada estar al dia, i per això us oferim les millors revistes per veure tecnologia, últimes novetats i perquè no dir-ho, coses inimaginables.

I la nostra preferida és la revista anglesa Velovision, feta pel nostre amic Peter Eland des de York, Anglaterra. Una revista on hem descobert un munt d'accessoris que llavors hem incorporat al nostre catàleg, moltes bicicletes plegables, de càrrega o reclinades i un munt d'històries del món de la bicicleta, però des de la seva vessant més urbana, allunyant-se del ciclisme de carretera i del ciclisme de muntanya, que és on es focalitzen la majoria de revistes actuals.

Són revistes que no caduquen, simplement ensenyen bicicletes atemporals i dónen idees i visions diferents a l'ús de la bicicleta. Si sou uns bons Plegabikers, heu de llegir Velovision, la revista dels Velovisionaris.

Us en recomanem tots els números. Són indispensables i unes joies per qualsevol amant de la bicicleta.


4 News
Pedal powered performance, off-roading for all, stolen trike recovered, a bike business for sale and more.

8 SPEZI 2011
Full report from the sixteenth Special Bikes Show in Germersheim, Germany.

16 Bikes made good
Reader Howard Yeomans describes how with an 8 Freight, a toolbox and some ingenious modifications he's delivering bike repairs for a living in Thornbury, near Bristol.

20 Review: Trisled Rotovelo
Riding the revolutionary roto-moulded velomobile from Australia: is it as tough and practical as they say?

24 Review: Jango Flik
A folding bike with designer appeal put through its paces.

27 Review: Paper Bicycle
It's a cleverly crafted comfort cruiser with a customisable chaincase; can it appeal as a do-it-all cycle?

30 Review: Dahon IOS XL
Dahon have thrown a lot of technology at this top-of-the-range commuter bike with 24" wheels: is it an effective end result?

33 Short reviews
33 Purple Sky Flags : a premium flag from the USA via Germany.
33 Books: Danny Bent's This time you've gone too far, Sir!
34 Suspension seatposts revisited : an Australian reader compares four posts.
36 The Whike , a sail-assisted recumbent trike, tested.

38 Meeting the makers
Taking a break from dealer visits, we drop in on two manufacturing operations: the Burrows Engineering workshop
near Norwich, and Inspired Cycle Engineering in Cornwall.

44 Velo-City Seville
Claude Marthaler reports on the conference in Spain, from the unlikely site of a cycling revolution.

46 Readers' bikes
46 Suspension invention : the promising TopTrail linked suspension technology.
49 From Birdy to Dahon
: a German reader explains why he chose to change cycles.

52 Letters
Cycle curiosities worldwide, cycling at 80, Brompton bite back and more in our round-up of reader letters.

55 Advertisements
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Velovision número 41. Juny 2011
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